Rachel Raduenz

Welcome to Mrs. Raduenz’s website! 

Welcome back to school!
It is hard to believe that summer went by so quickly! I am thrilled to get to know each and every one of you this year!

Feel free to reach out with any questions you might have. The best way to contact me is through email, but I welcome phone calls as well.

For further information, please refer to the other tabs.

Contact: raduenz@lp.k12.mn.us

Mrs. Raduenz’s email: raduenz@lp.k12.mn.us

Phone Number: 320-395-2521 EXT: 1135

About Mrs. Raduenz

About Ms. StenderHello!

I am Rachel Raduenz (previously Stender) and I am thrilled to be back for my fifth year at Lester Prairie. I teach Social Studies, REACH, Enrichment, and Personal Finance. I am a proud 2015 graduate of Lester Prairie! After high school I attended Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU) in Marshall where I graduated in December of 2018. I have a History degree with a 5-12 Social Science License. It is a wonderful opportunity to not only have been a student at the school, but now a teacher.

Besides teaching, I am the director for theater as well as one of the yearbook coordinators. If you are interested in joining either of those programs, please email me about it.

Outside of school I love photography, being in nature, vacationing to Duluth, and making jewelry. You can often find me with a good historical book in my hand about World War Two or Minnesota History. I also have an energetic black lab named Cruze. As you may have noticed, the Stender name is gone, and the new Raduenz name is in! This summer my husband and I finally tied the knot! The new name is going to be an adjustment for everyone, including myself!

I am excited to get to know each and every one of you throughout the school year! Please refer to the tabs on the left for information. Please let me know if there is anything you need from me.

Go Bulldogs!

Mrs. Raduenz

Time Maps World History will examine different civilizations, which together create an overview of the evolving structure of world society. This course will help students to become familiar with the world’s societies and cultures, as well as with developments in politics, religious thought, philosophy, economics and literature. The course will allow each student to pursue individual historical interests alongside the standard curriculum. Through weekly assignments, course discussions, research projects, and exams, students will learn the critical aspects of World History.  Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it!

Welcome to Personal Finance!

Personal finance is vital to everyday life as students transition into adulthood. Students will learn how to create budgets, plan for loans, maintain a credit score, balance a checkbook, and many other vital life skills!

Enrichment 7 This class is designed to help 7th grade students transition from upper elementary to middle school. This class is a semester long (two quarters), and then students will switch to a different enrichment class. Students will be examining what it means to be a responsible citizen both online and offline. 

Sociology_ Welcome to the Sociology page! This is a new class of mine that studies how societies function. We cover different cultures, different sociology experiments, and much more! The second half of the course we will study conformity and deviance, specifically looking at the Holocaust.

This Day In History 

Have you ever wondered what was going on in the past on your birthday? Or any other day of the year? If so, click on this link and it will take you to “This Day in History” It is a favorite tool of mine in my classroom and I hope you enjoy it! 


Yearbook Information
Hello all! Mrs. Wood and I are excited to be your yearbook coordinators! Mrs. Wood handles page design and selling of yearbooks, while Mrs. Raduenz handles the photography at different events. 

This year, there is currently a change, yearbook pictures taken by Mrs. Raduenz WILL NOT be available for purchase due to platform and uploading issues. 

The 2022-2023 yearbooks have not been delivered yet, but once they are, this page will be updated. 

Thank you!

Have a great summer!

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