
Future Hoopsters
Students in Grades K-3 will learn the fundamentals of Basketball. Information will be sent home with students in November. Sessions will be held 8:00-9:15 AM on January 4, 11, 18, and 25. Future Hoopsters will be featured during a Varsity Basketball game. Sessions are led by our Bulldog Basketball Head Coaches and current players. If you have any questions, please call Kim Schauer (320-395-2521 Ext. 1105).

Youth Basketball
Boys and Girls in Grades 4-6 will have a great opportunity to learn the fundamentals and the fun of Basketball. Players will practice evenings during the week and Sundays based on Coaches’ availability. Games will be played on Saturdays in the months of December, January, and February. More information will be sent home with students in October. Volunteer coaches are needed. If you have any questions or would like to coach, please contact Ross Scheevel (320-395-2521 Ext. 1184).


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