1. The depth of the cut should be adjusted before the machine is turned on.
2. The guard should be over the knives at all times.
3. Stock less than 12’’ long should not be used with this machine.
4. Use a push stick when jointing narrow or flat stock.
5. Use a push stick should be used when jointing stock less than fence height.
6. Stock less than ½’’ thick should not be used.
7. Special setups should be checked by the instructor.
8. Never change the rear table.
9. End grain should never be ran over the jointer.
10. Do not cut heavier than 1/16” on a pass without checking with the instructer.
11. Do not adjust the fence while machine is on.
12. Push stock over the jointer slowly.
13. Do not stand behind the work.
14.Keep hands away from the cutters.
15. Stand clear of the machine when turning it on.
16. Turn the power off when you leave the machine.
17. Do not pull the work over cutter head, always push it.
18. Turn off back up switch when adjusting cutter head. Only instructor should make major adjustments.