LP Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Announcements and Upcoming Events!


Holiday Store is coming December 1st!!

Sign up on the Remind App by opening a web browser on your smartphone and go to the following link: https://www.remind.com/join/68b93k. There you will be prompted to download the mobile app.   If you already have the Remind App please join our class @68b93k. 

Here you will find the minutes to our meetings, requests from teachers, upcoming events and when we are looking for volunteers.  

You can also find us out on Facebook at Lester Prairie School PTO!

What PTO has funded

  • Microwave for Cafeteria
  • Magnetic Dry Erase Board for 7-9th Grade Science
  • 5th Grade Science Interactive Notebook
  • 5th Grade DARE Graduation T-shirts
  • Blast Foundation Curriculum for Title I Grades 1-3
  • Scoop Rockers, Floor Cushions, Fidget Chair Bands and Wobble Stools for classrooms
  • Router for Tech Ed
  • New books for the Library
  • Robotics club
  • Backup clothing: socks, undergarments and pants
  • Scientific Calculators
  • Radio/CD Player for Kindergarten
  • Flowers/Plants for Grandparent’s Day
  • Prizes & Supplies for ESL/Title I Family Night

Ways you can support LP School at no cost to you!

1.  Box Tops-

  • Eventually the Box Tops program will become digital-only but until then clip and send them to school
  • If you see this label, use the new Box Tops App to scan your receipt.  Goto https://www.boxtops4education.com/ to learn more.

2. More Rewards-

3. Loaves 4 Learning-

  • Enjoy any Country Hearth or Village Hearth product and send the UPC Proof of Purchase from the package to school.

5. Used Toner and Ink Cartridges; Old cell phones and chargers – send to school

Thank you for your help!  Every little bit adds up in money back to our school each year!

Yearly Activities Include:

  • Help with picture day
  • Read-a-thon
  • Fall Elementary Fundraiser
  • Book fairs
  • Staff Treats before Xmas Break
  • Elementary Wish List and HS Gift Tags
  • The Holiday Store
  • Potluck meal for teachers during Spring Conferences
  • Spring Carnival
  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation Breakfast
  • Donuts/Coffee for Bus drivers, custodial staff

Lester Prairie Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The LP Parent Teacher Organization is a partnership of parents, teachers, community members, and administrators whose purpose is to enhance and enrich the education of our students.


  • To provide communication and discussion between home and school.
  • To raise funds that is made available to teachers and staff in order to enrich our children’s education.
  • To provide recognition and appreciation of teachers and staff.
  • To enrich the children’s education and experience through our volunteerism and special programs.
2023-2024 Officers
Co Chairs:
Liz Ehalt –   lizehalt@gmail.com
Amanda Latzig –   amanda.latzig@hotmail.com  ;
Dawn Willems   dawn_m_brunner@yahoo.com

Staff Request for PTO Funds

Funds must be used during the requested school year and cannot be carried over. 
If the amount is over $500, please make arrangements to attend the meeting to answer any questions.  Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Media Center.

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