Terri Schuft-Helland

Have a great summer!

Welcome to Lester Prairie Schools Band page! My name is Mrs. Helland and I will be starting my 15th year teaching at LP. I grew up in the Stewart/Brownton area and graduated from McLeod West High School in 2002. I graduated from the University of Minnesota, Morris in 2007 with majors in Instrumental and Vocal Music Education and Piano Performance. Before coming to Lester Prairie I taught choir and general music for two years in Silver Bay, Minnesota.

My hours are 7:30am-3:30pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
You can reach me by email at helland@lp.k12.mn.us or by phone 320-395-2521 ext 1208.


Contact: Terri Schuft-Helland

There are a number of fundraisers planned for the year to help students prepare for upcoming band trips. Junior High Band Students perform at the Trills and Thrills Festival/Valleyfair each spring. Senior High Band will be traveling to St. Louis during May of 2024.  Expect to see a Butterbraid sale in the fall and Coffee sale during the holiday season.

2023-2024 Lester Prairie Band Performance Dates

Winter Pep Dates 2023-2024


Thursday November 30th BBB 6:45pm

Monday December 4th GBB 6:45pm

Tuesday December 19th GBB 6:45pm

Thursday January 4th BBB 6:45pm

Thursday January 11th GBB 6:45pm

Tuesday January 16th BBB 6:45pm


Fall Pep Dates 2023-2024

FB Friday September 29th, 6:30pm

VB Tuesday October 3rd, 6:30pm

VB Tuesday October 17th, 6:30pm

FB Wednesday October 18th, 6:30pm



“No Tricks, Just Treats”-High School Band Concert: Monday, October 30th,  7:30 pm

                     (6-12 grade band students)

Elementary Concert Thursday, December 7th 7:00 pm (5th grade band students)

High School Band & Choir Concert Monday, December 11th 7:30 pm

         (6-12th grade band and choir students)

Band Concert Monday, March 18th  7:30 pm (5-12th grade band students)

Band Concert Monday, May 13th 7:30 pm (5-12th grade band students)


Other Performances:

         Veteran’s Day, Friday November 10th (During School, 9-12th grade band students)

         Graduation, Friday, May 17th 7pm (9-12th grade band students, optional 6-8th grade)

Memorial Day, Monday, May 27th time TBD

***Possibly Homecoming/Snofest Coronation


Contest Dates:

         Instrumental solo/ensemble, Monday February 12th @ Rockford, after school (Select students from 9-12th grade band)

         Instrumental large group, Wednesday March 6th @ Dassel-Cokato (9-12th grade band students)



Trills and Thrills/Valleyfair May 17th, all day (Junior High Students only)

St. Louis, MO,  May 2nd-5th (Senior High Students Only)




Contact: Terri Jo Schuft-Helland

Beginning band students will use the following website to help us select instruments:


We work with The Music Mart out of Mankato for our beginning band night. If you would like to look at their rental programs here is their website: https://www.themusicmart.biz/


Contact: Terri Jo Schuft-Helland

Junior Band consists of students in grades 6-8 and meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday during 1st hour (815-907). Students also have small group lessons throughout the quarter.


Contact: Terri Jo Schuft-Helland

Senior High band consists of students in grades 9-12 and meets during 3rd hour on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Jazz Band

Jazz Band is for students in grades 7-12. They meet Mondays from 7:30-8:00am. Instruments included are all saxophones, trombones, trumpets, piano, guitar, bass guitar and drums.



Contact: Terri Jo Schuft-Helland

Drumline is for students in grades 7-12. They meet on Wednesdays from 7:30-8:00am.

All students in high school band are eligible to earn a band letter.  You must earn 10 points by completing any of the following activities:

  • Performing a solo or in a small ensemble for school concert or contest (2 points for each piece)
  • Performing a solo or in a small ensemble for event outside of school (1 point possible for each event)
  • Tallying an extra 60 minutes of practice (Signed by parent/guardian or Mrs. Helland) (1 point each practice sheet completed-can earn 5 points total)
  • Attending approved concert and written evaluation completed, with program attached (1 point each)
  • Listening Evaluation completed (1 point each-3 points total)
  • Earning an “A” during Quarters 1-3 (1 point each quarter)
  • Performing in musical group outside of school, such as jazz band or drumline (3 points each group)
  • Attending an Honor Band or All-State experience (3 points)

**Each year participating in high school band earns you 2 points


Contact: Terri Jo Schuft-Helland

If you need some music supplies (books, reeds, oil, stands, sticks etc) you can shop through The Music Mart using this link: https://www.themusicmart.biz/c-78-lester-prairie.aspx

These supplies have all been approved by Mrs. Helland and will be delivered to Lester Prairie Schools the following Tuesday after the order is placed.

If ordering supplies through another company, double check with Mrs. Helland to ensure it’s the proper brand, size, strength etc for your child. There is a lot out there and it can be confusing!

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