PE: Matt Thode
- Welcome
- Bio
- PE 7
- PE 8
- PE 9
- Lifetime Fitness
- Individual & Dual Sports
- Team Sports
- Bell Schedule
- Contact Me
HAVE AN AWESOME SUMMER! | Welcome To Physical Education-Mr. Thode |
“Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle.”
Contact: Matt Thode
This will be my 16th year teaching physical education and my 5th year teaching in Lester Prairie. I am very excited for another fun and challenging school year. Go Bulldogs!

-Mr. Thode
7th Grade Physical Education
Instructor: Mr. Thode E-mail: School Phone: 320-395-2521 Ext 1173
Physical Education Activities:
– Fitness Testing | – Recreation Games | – Basketball | – Kickball |
– Football | – Softball | – Floor Hockey | – Individual Sports |
– Weight Lifting | – Disc Golf | – Dance | – Team Sports |
– Speedball | – Lacrosse | – Soccer | – Dual Sports |
– Frisbee | – Badminton | – Bowling | – Yard Games |
– Volleyball | – Pickleball | – Handball | – Cardiovascular Exercise |
Materials needed for this course:
- You are REQUIRED to be prepared for class each day by having a change of clothes, which allows you to function athletically and promotes good hygiene.
- Appropriate clothing include: shorts, t-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants, warm clothing for outside and athletic shoes.
- Failure to dress appropriately will impact your grade.
- Locks will be provided for all students and are mandatory.
- Free of Charge
- If you lose your lock, it will be $10 to replace it.
Points of Emphasis & Requirements
- Participation in all activities is required and is vital to physical education.
- No phones or headphones/earbuds should be used during PE or in the locker room.
- Good sportsmanship is encouraged, poor sportsmanship will not be allowed.
- You will be allowed an extra 2 minutes after the bell to change and be in the gym. Failure to do so will result in a tardy.
- Please treat everyone and everything with respect at all times.
Grading Scale Students will be graded on the following:
90% – 100% A – Class Participation
80% – 89% B – Attitude & Behavior
70% – 79% C – Understanding Concepts
60% – 69% D – Appropriately Dressed
Below F – Online Participation/Written Quizzes
If a student misses a day(s) they will be responsible for submitting a make-up online via email. Online make-up guidelines are located in your PE Google Classroom. Only excused absences can be made up. Only 3 absences per semester can be made up (Unless prior authorization is obtained).
-You have 1 week to complete make-ups. After 1 week, you can not make it up.
Final Thoughts: This is an activity-based class therefore students should expect to be active during the class period. Students should be prepared to openly experience new activities. Remember to be safe, responsible and respectful.
Contact: Mr. Thode
8th Grade Physical Education
Instructor: Mr. Thode E-mail: School Phone: 320-395-2521 Ext 1173
Course Description:
Physical Education 8 is a required course and a vital part of a complete education. Students will learn and refine all skills needed to adhere to the Minnesota physical education state standards and benchmarks. Students will be expected to participate in a number of activities as well as demonstrate an understanding of fitness concepts. Good sportsmanship and attitude will be expected during all activities at all times.
Physical Education Activities:
– Fitness Testing | – Recreation Games | – Basketball | – Kickball |
– Football | – Softball | – Floor Hockey | – Individual Sports |
– Weight Lifting | – Disc Golf | – Dance | – Team Sports |
– Speedball | – Lacrosse | – Soccer | – Dual Sports |
– Frisbee | – Badminton | – Bowling | – Yard Games |
– Volleyball | – Pickleball | – Handball | – Cardiovascular Exercise |
Materials needed for this course:
- You are REQUIRED to be prepared for class each day by having a change of clothes, which allows you to function athletically and promotes good hygiene.
- Appropriate clothing include: shorts, t-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants, warm clothing for outside and athletic shoes.
- Failure to dress appropriately will impact your grade.
- Locks will be provided for all students and are mandatory.
- Free of Charge
- If you lose your lock, it will be $10 to replace it.
Points of Emphasis & Requirements
- Participation in all activities is required and is vital to physical education.
- No phones or headphones/earbuds should be used during PE or in the locker room.
- Good sportsmanship is encouraged, poor sportsmanship will not be allowed.
- You will be allowed an extra 2 minutes after the bell to change and be in the gym. Failure to do so will result in a tardy.
- Please treat everyone and everything with respect at all times.
Grading Scale Students will be graded on the following:
90% – 100% A – Class Participation
80% – 89% B – Attitude & Behavior
70% – 79% C – Understanding Concepts
60% – 69% D – Appropriately Dressed
Below F – Online Participation/Written Quizzes
If a student misses a day(s) they will be responsible for submitting a make-up online via email. Online make-up guidelines are located in your PE Google Classroom. Only excused absences can be made up. Only 3 absences per semester can be made up (Unless prior authorization is obtained).
-You have 1 week to complete make-ups. After 1 week, you can not make it up.
Final Thoughts: This is an activity-based class therefore students should expect to be active during the class period. Students should be prepared to openly experience new activities. Remember to be safe, responsible and respectful.
Contact: Mr. Thode
9th Grade Physical Education
Instructor: Matt Thode E-mail: School Phone: 320-395-2521 Ext 1173
Course Description:
Physical Education 9 is a required course and a vital part of a complete education. Students will learn and refine all skills needed to adhere to the Minnesota physical education state standards and benchmarks. Students will be expected to participate in a number of activities as well as demonstrate an understanding of fitness concepts. Good sportsmanship and attitude will be expected during all activities at all times.
Physical Education Activities:
– Fitness Testing | – Recreation Games | – Basketball | – Kickball |
– Football | – Softball | – Floor Hockey | – Individual Sports |
– Weight Lifting | – Disc Golf | – Dance | – Team Sports |
– Speedball | – Lacrosse | – Soccer | – Dual Sports |
– Frisbee | – Badminton | – Bowling | – Yard Games |
– Volleyball | – Pickleball | – Handball | – Cardiovascular Exercise |
Materials needed for this course:
- You are REQUIRED to be prepared for class each day by having a change of clothes, which allows you to function athletically and promotes good hygiene.
- Appropriate clothing include: shorts, t-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants, warm clothing for outside and athletic shoes.
- Failure to dress appropriately will impact your grade.
- Locks will be provided for all students and are mandatory.
- Free of Charge
- If you lose your lock, it will be $10 to replace it.
- Lock Up Your Stuff
Points of Emphasis & Requirements
- Participation in all activities is required and is vital to physical education.
- No phones or headphones/earbuds should be used during PE or in the locker room.
- Good sportsmanship is a must, poor sportsmanship will not be allowed.
- You need to be in the gym for attendance before the 8:15 bell. Failure to do so will result in a tardy.
- Please treat everyone and everything with respect at all times.
Grading Scale Students will be graded on the following:
90% – 100% A – Class Participation
80% – 89% B – Attitude & Behavior
70% – 79% C – Understanding Concepts
60% – 69% D – Appropriately Dressed
Below F – Online Participation/Written Quizzes
If a student misses a day(s) they will be responsible for submitting a make-up online via email. Online make-up guidelines are located in your PE Google Classroom. Only excused absences can be made up. Only 3 absences total can be made up (Unless prior authorization is obtained).
-You have 1 week to complete make-ups. After 1 week, you can not make it up.
Final Thoughts: This is an activity-based class therefore students should expect to be active during the class period. Students should be prepared to openly experience new activities. Remember to be safe, responsible and respectful.
Contact: Mr. Thode
Lifetime Fitness
Instructor: Mr. Thode
School Phone: 320-395-2521 Ext 1173
Course Description:
Lifetime fitness is an elective course for grades 9-12. This course will focus on developing and understanding overall fitness. Students will learn multiple forms of fitness that can be done for their lifetime regardless of fitness or ability level. Students will be expected to participate in a number activities that will help develop their overall fitness and understanding of fitness concepts. Good sportsmanship and attitude will be expected during all activities at all times.
Lifetime Fitness Activities:
- Weight Lifting
- Running/Walking
- High Intensity Interval Training
- Stretching
- Cardiovascular Workouts
- Plyometrics
- Meditation
- Activity Specific Training
- Crossfit Training
Materials needed for this course:
- You are REQUIRED to be prepared for class each day by having a change of clothes, which allows you to function athletically and promotes good hygiene.
- Appropriate clothing include: shorts, t-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants, warm clothing for outside and athletic shoes.
- Failure to dress appropriately will impact your grade.
- Locks will be provided for all students and are mandatory.
- If you lose your lock it will be $10 to replace it.
- You are encouraged but not required to bring a non-glass water bottle labeled with your name to class.
Points of Emphasis & Requirements
- Participation in all activities is required and is vital to physical education.
- No phones or headphones/earbuds should be used during PE or in the locker room.
- Good sportsmanship is a must, poor sportsmanship will not be allowed.
- You will be allowed an extra 2 minutes after the bell to change and be in the gym. Failure to do so will result in a tardy.
- Please treat everyone and everything with respect at all times.
Grading Scale Students will be graded on the following:
90% – 100% A – Class Participation
80% – 89% B – Attitude & Behavior
70% – 79% C – Understanding Concepts
60% – 69% D – Appropriately Dressed
Below F – Online Participation/Written Quizzes
If a student misses a day(s) they will be responsible for submitting a make-up online via email. Online make-up guidelines are located in your PE Google Classroom. Only excused absences can be made up. Only 3 absences per semester can be made up (Unless prior authorization is obtained).
-You have 1 week to complete make-ups. After 1 week, you can not make it up.
Final Thoughts: This is an activity-based class therefore students should expect to be active during the class period. Students should be prepared to openly experience new activities. Remember to be safe, responsible and respectful.
Individual & Dual Sports
Instructor: Matt Thode
School Phone: 320-395-2521 Ext 1173
Course Description:
Individual & Dual Sports is an elective course for grades 10-12. This course will focus on activities that can be played on your own or a small group. Students will learn and participate in a number activities that will help develop their overall knowledge and understanding of individual and duals sports. This course will also allow students to learn about and develop their overall fitness. Good sportsmanship and attitude will be expected during all activities at all times.
Materials needed for this course:
- You are REQUIRED to be prepared for class each day by having a change of clothes, which allows you to function athletically and promotes good hygiene.
- Appropriate clothing include: shorts, t-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants, warm clothing for outside and athletic shoes.
- Failure to dress appropriately will impact your grade.
- Locks will be provided for all students and are mandatory.
- If you lose your lock it will be $10 to replace it.
Grading Scale Students will be graded on the following:
90% – 100% A – Class Participation
80% – 89% B – Attitude & Behavior
70% – 79% C – Understanding Concepts/Strategies
60% – 69% D – Appropriately Dressed
Below F – Online Participation/Written Quizzes
Points of Emphasis & Requirements
- Participation in all activities is required and is vital to physical education.
- No phones or headphones/earbuds should be used during PE or in the locker room.
- Good sportsmanship is a must, poor sportsmanship will not be allowed.
- You will be allowed an extra 2 minutes after the bell to change and be in the gym. Failure to do so will result in a tardy.
- Please treat everyone and everything with respect at all times.
If a student misses a day(s) they will be responsible for submitting a make-up online via email. Online make-up guidelines are located in your PE Google Classroom. Only excused absences can be made up. Only 3 absences per semester can be made up (Unless prior authorization is obtained).
-You have 1 week to complete make-ups. After 1 week, you can not make it up.
Final Thoughts: This is an activity-based class therefore students should expect to be active during the class period. Students should be prepared to openly experience new activities. Remember to be safe, responsible and respectful.
Team Sports
Instructor: Matt Thode
School Phone: 320-395-2521 Ext 1173
Course Description:
Team Sports is an elective course for grades 10-12. This course will focus on activities that can be played in a team setting. Students will learn and participate in a number activities that will help develop their overall knowledge, understanding and strategy of team sports. This course will also help students to understand and develop their overall fitness. Good sportsmanship and attitude will be expected during all activities at all times.
Materials needed for this course:
- You are REQUIRED to be prepared for class each day by having a change of clothes, which allows you to function athletically and promotes good hygiene.
- Appropriate clothing include: shorts, t-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants, warm clothing for outside and athletic shoes.
- Failure to dress appropriately will impact your grade.
- Locks will be provided for all students and are mandatory.
- If you lose your lock it will be $10 to replace the lock.
- You are encouraged but not required to bring a non-glass water bottle labeled with your name to class when expected to be outside.
Grading Scale Students will be graded on the following:
90% – 100% A – Class Participation
80% – 89% B – Attitude & Behavior
70% – 79% C – Understanding Concepts/Strategies
60% – 69% D – Appropriately Dressed
Below F – Online Participation/Written Quizzes
Points of Emphasis & Requirements
- Participation in all activities is required and is vital to physical education.
- No phones or headphones/earbuds should be used during PE or in the locker room.
- Good sportsmanship is encouraged, poor sportsmanship will not be allowed.
- You will be allowed an extra 2 minutes after the bell to change and be in the gym. Failure to do so will result in a tardy.
- Please treat everyone and everything with respect at all times.
If a student misses a day(s) they will be responsible for submitting a make-up online via email. Online make-up guidelines are located in your PE Google Classroom. Only excused absences can be made up. Only 3 absences per semester can be made up (Unless prior authorization is obtained).
-You have 1 week to complete make-ups. After 1 week, you can not make it up.
Final Thoughts: This is an activity-based class therefore students should expect to be active during the class period. Students should be prepared to openly experience new activities. Remember to be safe, responsible and respectful.
Bell Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8:10 Morning Bell
8:15-9:07 1st Hour
9:10-10:02 2nd Hour
10:05-10:57 3rd Hour
11:00-11:52 4th Hour
11:55-12:19 5th Hour 10th-12th
12:19-12:44 Lunch 10th-12th
12:47-1:12 5th Hour 10th-12th
11:55-12:47 5th Hour 7th – 9th
12:47-1:12 Lunch 7th – 9th
1:15-2:06 6th Hour
2:09-3:00 7th Hour
8:10 Morning Bell
8:15-9:00 1st Hour
9:03-9:48 2nd Hour
9:51-10:36 3rd Hour
10:39-11:24 4th Hour
11:27-11:52 Advisory
11:55-12:19 5th Hour 10th-12th
12:19-12:44 Lunch 10th-12th
12:47-1:12 5th Hour 10th-12th
11:55-12:47 5th Hour 7th – 9th
12:47-1:12 Lunch 7th – 9th
1:15-2:06 6th Hour
2:09-3:00 7th Hour
Matt Thode
Physical Education
Lester Prairie High School
Email: ;
Phone: 320-395-2521 Ext 1173